July 12, 2024

Don’t be fooled by the news- Dental Wellness Mill Hill has all you need to know about Fluoride. There is a lot of questions we get asked about fluoride by our patients. We have answers these for you, and given you the truth about some popular myths about fluoride!

What Is Fluoride?

A natural mineral, fluoride can be found in water and food. Fluoride is the mineral that is responsible for REMINERALISING the enamel of our teeth.



Because of this, fluoride is essential to maintaining good oral health and is added to many dental products like toothpaste and mouthwash. Many cities around the world also add fluoride to drinking water

Myth: Having Fluoride means I will develop fluorosis

Fluorosis is the development of scattered white markings or flecks across the teeth. Consuming fluoride within the normal limits of tooth paste and drinking water is very unlikely to cause fluorosis.

Fact: Too Much Fluoride can cause Fluorosis

We have to be clear here, EXCESSIVE fluoride can cause fluorosis. This is especially true in children.

Having a pea sized amount of toothpaste at a young age is safe (we also tend not to eat toothpaste- we recommend you spit it out!)  Or rinsing daily with a fluoride continaining mouthwash is safe.

If you are eating a tube of toothpaste or drinking mouthwash then we may encounter problems as we HIGHLY recommend you DO NOT DO THIS!

Myth: Fluoride Can Lead to Cancer

Every study we have seen shows that fluoride is safe and does not cause Cancer!

There has been research into the addition of fluoride into drinking water and they have found that it has no impact on cancer or other health conditions.

The team at Dental Wellness Mill Hill all use fluoride containing toothpaste and mouthwash! Just ask as we can recommend what we like to use.

Fact: Fluoride Strengthens Enamel and Prevents Tooth Decay

Fluoride is incredibly important to the health of your teeth. This super mineral has the ability to lock calcium into your teeth. We all grew up hearing that milk was good for our teeth because of the calcium and as you can see fluoride helps lock all that calcium into the tooth surface.

The dentist are Dental Wellness Mill Hill are huge fans, we regularly prescribe high strength fluoride for some of our patients who need a little extra fluoride to help remineralise their teeth.

Myth: Fluoride is Dangerous For Children

Fluoride is safe for children. Those kids that swallow large quantities of fluoride can develop fluorosis. But this is generally a cosmetic issue. Which can be fixed.

We recommend using a small pea sized amount of toothpaste for younger kids until they can safely brush and spit out any excess.

The Conclusion

Dental Wellness Mill Hill

and all of our team are big fans of fluoride. We are glad that the residents of Mill Hill, Harrow, Edgware and the surrounding areas are fortunate to have drinking water with fluoride so that they have the benefits of stronger and healthier teeth.

For anyone that may have fluorosis from a young age- We can help. We have whitening, composite bonding, veneers and IKON treatments all to tackle the white spots that may occur.

If you have any questions or worries about fluoride, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist who will gladly talk you though it and answer any query you may have.

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